Sunday, January 29, 2012

10 things about my week.

{Last night we attended our annual crab feed.  Like every year, we had a ton of fun and danced our booties off.  I apologize for all the blurriness lately.  I should really start carrying around my camera, it's just so much easier to have my phone, ya know?}

 Ten things about my week.

1. I made it through my first week of school, exciting stuff, right?  Right!

2. I am on the road super late two nights a week.  Incredibly tired + driving = super scary.  Stay away from my car on Tuesday and Thursday.  

3. I started a new job on the weekends.  Well, kind of new and sort of the same.  It's pretty chillax.
4. I have completely fallen behind on anything and everything that has to do with my home life this week.  You should see the amount of laundry that is calling my name.  Really, you should come over and see it...and then do it for me.  Purdy Please? 

5. Looks like I'm back to blogging.  It's a great feeling.  I hope you enjoy it also :)

6. I think I am going to try something out this week.  It's something that I have only done once and am hoping that will be a natural talent.  I doubt it, but there is nothing wrong with hope people!

7. P90X is hard.  Holly Molly.

8. Sometimes a good, long, tears rolling, snot dripping, cry and talk is a good thing.  Things should never be held in.  Don't let me do this again, okay? 

9. When you leave late for class and then get mad at yourself while sitting in the car thinking about the fact that you left late and are now too late to walk in to the room, don't let it ruin your day.  Because, if you do, you will probably realize that you forgot your student I.D and not be allowed to, first, purchase your books because, even though you gave them your name and student I.D, which then pops up in the system, which you then match your drivers license with, they still will probably not let you write a check.  But, if you beg and give them a guilt trip, they might. Second, you will also need your I.D to get into the computer lab to spend that hour in between classes because you didn't bring your own computer in result of running late.  When she tells you that you can't come in without it, don't think about the fact that you were running late and missed your first class and then caused a huge scene in the book store because you will, at this point, probably start to cry and the girl will look at you like, "look lady, it's really not that big of a deal! you should really just bring your i.d next time if you want to use a computer.  it's just a computer."  After all of this, just go straight to your class and sit down outside the door because, if you don't, you will probably think to yourself, "damn this day, I'm getting in my car and going home.  who needs stupid school anyways? school, shmull!" and on the 10 minute walk to your car you will probably trip, twist your, already in pain from P90X knee, and get your new Toms super dirty.  Oh and don't look up because the group of people standing outside, putting on a light show with gloves that glow, will probably all stop what they are doing and laugh.  At this point, just be okay with the fact that the universe is against you today, put away your negative attitude, wipe your tears off your dang face and stop, turn around, and go to class because you will be happy you did.  It's a cool class and you could have ruined your chances of getting in and sitting next to a cool group of girls.  Also, you would have missed that drunk girl that came to sit next to you to ask if you were there for a completely different class that she was.  Apparently, she had a little too much fun before class.  Oops.  

10. I'm obviously a drama queen. 
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!


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