Monday, November 21, 2011

On my mind..

i have been dying to play the piano lately.   i think about it everyday.  it's been too long.

sometimes my anger scares me.

i miss yoga and being fit and feeling good.

every years i get so excited for the holidays but, for some reason, each year i feel let down.  i'm hoping that will someday change.

i'm thinking that i need to put down the phone.  it's getting crazy. 

i am really looking forward to going back to school after a semester off.  i can't wait to spend  a few days a week in the city.  i've missed it.

it doesn't matter how many times i change my mind, i don't think i will ever be content or find the one thing that i want to do with my life and i'm okay with that.

i allow myself to change for others and sometimes, i miss me.

water HAS to be a huge part of my daily diet.  i really need to try hard to make this happen.

i used to not be able to breath, a lot.  it's happening again, a lot. 

it's crazy when you write things down and reread and analyze them.  it looks like i need to figure somethings out and get back to happiness.  

happy Monday and also Friday to many people out there! 

1 comment:

  1. We might be the same person. I feel the exact same way about everythingyou said... Except school. Especially not ever being content with one decision (regarding my career) and hating that i change for others. And I really miss yoga. And need to drink more water.
