Friday, August 5, 2011

On losing my belongings...

Well, this week has been a strange one.  I will try my best to not be such a downer but, sometimes really unfortunate things happen.

On sunday afternoon I found out that, a shop on my families property, where all my personal belongings were stored, had burnt down a day prior.  

The news was devastating and I immediately broke down into tears naming off everything that I had inside.  All of my belongings, except for my dresser and clothes and a few items that I had acquired since January of this year, gone.  

Every picture that I had ever printed, every picture frame that I had ever been given, my first dishes given to me by my sister, along with all of my "firsts" from moving out (pots, pans, cups, dishes, decorations, etc.).  My very first lap top, purchased for me by my dad when I moved to Hawaii, with all of my hawaii, high school and beginning college, pictures stored inside.  My bed, book shelf, along with every book that I had ever bought, clothes, year books, my piano, everything.  

I am still very much in shock and the most devastating part was that I was there earlier in the day to collect some things but only grabbed one box.  Nothing important, just some decorations for the bathroom.

It's a strange feeling to lose all your things.  I feel very blessed that I have what I still do have, which is enough to get me by.  More than enough, actually.  Plus, I have family and friends and my health, and a job, and what more do you really need in life, right?  Also, nobody was hurt in the fire, which I am also thankful for.  

But, it's still hard to lose everything that you have ever owned.  Because, I don't own much, but what I did, was in that shop.

(My stuff :( )

(The building)

(Although mostly burnt, it's all that was salvaged)

On a brighter note, it was just my sisters, moms, and dads birthday.  Yes, thats correct, they are all just a few days apart.  So happy birthday to mi familia.  I love them very, very much!  Also, I have some upcoming changes happening in the job area and also with school (not by choice, but I'm trying to have a positive attitude about it.  Plus, it's a whole other story for another time).  So, here is to the second half of 2011!  Lets hope that it gets a little easier on me :/  

Happy Weekend Everyone!

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