Friday, October 8, 2010

A short story.

On Wednesday my lovely sister, step sister, and cousin drove to Berkeley to see Jack Johnson play at the Greek.  It was basically a dream come true for me because I have pretty much been in love with him for about 10 years.  Before the show, we ate at Raleigh's.  We were STARVING. It was good!

                            This is my Blue Cheese Burger.  It's an obsession!
                                                 I love Blue Cheese!

Let me give you a little info about my sister.  She thinks I'm funny!  Really funny.  Like, as in she thinks that sometimes I say and do the dumbest things.  And then she loves to make fun of me about it. So during dinner, this was our conversation...

Me: So this may be a dumb question but do other countries play in the World Series?

Julie: Wait, I'm sorry, what did you say?

Me: Well, because it is called the World Series?

Julie:  Are you serious right now?  (As she is choking and dying of laughter)

Me:  Well, I just don't completely understand because we (The Giants) won the championships and now we are playing other U.S.  teams.  So do we play all the rest of the teams and then play a team from another country for the title? 

Julie: What other Countries play baseball, Mariann?

*Everyone laughing*

Me: Japan does, right? 

Terry (My cousin):  That was straight up a Jessica Simpson comment, Mariann.

Me:  Is this question that far fetched?  I mean come on, it is called the world series!?

*Everyone laughing*

I still don't understand why this was so funny!  It could be plausible, right?  I mean, this isn't the dumbest thing I have ever asked, by far!

After dinner I had to parallel park my car into this tiny spot while my sister yelled at me!  (Yes, another fight.) I didn't trust that I wasn't going to hit the car in front of me but she said I clearly had plenty of room. 

Now that I think about all of it, it was pretty comical.  Also, she has always said I was so bossy!  Funny, because I actually think she is the bossy one and it definitely showed that day. (I hope you are reading this! Muahaha!) 

Then, unfortunately, I got all the way up to the front of the line and they made me take my camera all the way back to the car.  I should have known because the same thing happened at John Mayer but since they allowed it at the Giants game and also Outside Lands, I thought I may be able to get away with it. But they said because it had a detachable lens it was considered a professional camera and, therefore, wasn't allowed in.  ugH!

The night turned out to be pretty great though!  Like I said, it was JACK JOHNSON!

I did learn something, however.  I really enjoy my personal space and I think either I was really irritable that night (which is a really great possibility) or maybe I am just getting too old to stand in general admission.  I am hoping that it is not the latter!


  1. Is this chicken, or is it tuna, because the lable says "chicken of the sea"............
    That baseball comment will go down in history as a classic "marianna" story!
    Good laughs!!!!!

  2. You are the best what a great story. I can hear your sister now. You do have a point about the WORLD series. I'm not much into baseball so I never thought about it. Sounds like a fun evening!!
