Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 things about my week

1. Today John left for San Diego to attend his future brother in-laws bachelor party(duN, DuN, duN).  So I will be here holdin' down the fort.  Okay really, I'm super bummed and am going to miss him so much.  I've already done weird and mushy things like, put on his deodorant, got in his clothes for bed, and am laying on his side.  Fortunately, I think he is going to miss me too because I noticed that he took my pillow with him instead of his.  :)  I'm not the only girl thats going to miss him... Bailey has already made it apparent that she is mad at me and is going to make a bed by the door in hopes that her dad will be home soon.  That GirL. 

2.  I have realized that I only have a month left of school and its given me anxiety and also has me so excited!  I am counting down the days until I am out of school for the summer and also work for two weeks!  What in the world am I going to do with myself?!?  I think a trip is definitely going to be in the works.  

3. I've been super tired and irritable this week!  Sometimes working with kids isn't the easiest thing in the world.

4. Everyday I still miss Allie.  I think about her and our last moments together all the time.  I am waiting for the time to pass where I will remember the happy times instead of having the last day burned into my brain.  This weekend will be especially difficult with having John gone and not having my pup to keep me company :( I love and miss her so much and my heart breaks when I think about it...

5. I've been really aware at how happy I am lately.  I mean... genuinely happy!  I think that I am generally a happy person, but the happiness that John has brought to my life is overwhelming!  I love him so much and feel so incredibly lucky to have him.  Being happy is a good feeling.  For the first time in my life I feel like things might actually be falling into place the way they are supposed to.  

6. I have been ditching a lot of school lately.  That's all.  Nothing new...

7. This weekend I am partaking in the survivor mud run.  Go ahead and send lots of cheers and claps my way, I will need them.  I can't believe I chose to do this while at thee most unfit, out of shape time in my life.  This girl needs a trainer and a personal chef! 

8. I'm dying to take more pictures and thinking about actually taking some digital photo classes at SFSU.  It's so much fun... I just wish I wouldn't feel like I'm jumping on the bandwagon.  It seems like photography is the thing to do these days! 

9. I've been very proud of myself in the last month or so.  Such a different person than I have been in the past when it comes to handling situations and honestly, I am not even trying.  Maybe I'm just growing up a little bit and letting go of things I don't have control over.  It feels really good.  

10. On Monday John and I got into bed and about 5 seconds later I heard this strange sound and John jumped up out of bed like the house was on fire.  I, of course, being scared to death, did the same thing. Turns out a huge moth had hit him in the face and the next five minutes were spent throwing random objects in the air, in hopes to hit it.  Along with that was me shrieking,"GET IT BABE, get it!  I wont be able to sleep if you don't kill it!"  Throughout the week I have broke out in complete laughter thinking about the quick 5-6 minutes that this took place!  If only it would have been on tape!  Hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. Geez, happiness is so contagious! I just feel happy reading about people talk about how happy they are :) You're a blessed woman!
