Friday, July 1, 2011


This is Reynolds.

He is amazing.

I love that he doesn't care that I have done all his laundry.  And mostly, I love that I don't mind doing it.  Which is good because, let me tell you, it's been about 12 loads in the past week.  

I love putting his clothes away neatly and organized and love that he appreciates it. 

I love that he has my spare car key in the drawer next to his bed.

I love that he will rub my back during a whole episode of Friends as I fall asleep.

I love that he can clean the shower like a champ.

I love that after a 17 hour day of work, he will still stop at the store at 10 p.m. to bring me a lunch-able and gatorade.

I love that I can fit into all his clothes because I have doubled my wardrobe!  And even though I would never wear his pants out of the house, it's fun to put them on and text him a picture.  

I love that, even though I am always saying that we are so different, he always finds things that we both like and is always willing to try something new.

I love that he went out and bought a new pair of converse and has been wearing them almost everyday.  He looks so darn cute.  

I love that we cuddle so well and that he always falls asleep on my side of the bed and is still there when we wake up.  

I love his random text messages throughout the day. 

I love that he didn't even think twice about pulling my hair out of the shower drain because, even though it was my hair, it would have completely grossed me out.  

I love that he is so logical.  Sometimes I hate it but, most of the time I love it.  

I love that I love his family so much!

I love that when the music comes on, he can't help but dance.  And, even though he is a total white boy, he can definitely bust a move.  

I love that he always wants to talk things out, mostly, because I don't.  But we all know, it's a must!

I love that I call him Reynolds and sometimes he calls me King.  Even though it's usually when I'm in trouble.  

I think I'll keep him.

What do you think?

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