Wednesday, May 4, 2011

10 things I need to vent about... plus, a lot of late posts soon to come!

Ignore the Christmas tree, this was quite a long time ago.  But have you ever played this game?  If not, you should! 

I am really falling behind here.

And just so you know, I am really missing it. 

So much has happened that I haven't been able to post about so your probably going to see those things in the very near future and we'll just pretend that I'm not a slacker and that it happened the day I post it, mmmmmkay? 

But here are 10 things that drive me crazy or that are frustrating me at the moment.

1.  I have a huge paper due by Friday morning and I haven't started.  SlackeR!

2.  How do so many students at my school drive BMW's, Mercedes, Porches, Volvo's, etc.?  I just don't get it!

3.  Seriously, I am beyond tired of driving to the city 3 days a week.  Can school just be over already?

4.  I have a job interview for Friday but I will be at school and they can't reschedule for another month.  uGh.  ReallY?

5.  Why do people get punished for getting an education?  It's too damn expensive, it's incredibly hard to work, and by the time I graduate there probably wont be any jobs and I wont be able to pay back loans!

6.  When you have a dream or an idea for something, why is it so hard to obtain?

7.  I haven't bitten my nails since high school, but today, it looks like I'm back at it.  

8.  It's crazy how, when it comes to business and money, you can so easily feel like you got slapped in the face! 

9. I seem to have forgotten how to use my car when it comes to down shifting.  I am pretty sure in the last month I have completely worn out my breaks.  

10.  I wish I wasn't such an instant gratification kind of person.  It drives me crazy!

I'm such a complainer, I know. 

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