Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Morning+"Weird Things About Me"

This is how my morning started.  With class.  At 8! (ugh!)  It's no wonder that I seldomly make it.  That is my note book.  I am weird when it comes to taking notes.  That is the girl who sat in front of me.  She kept flinging her hair.  It bothered me.  That is my coffee.

It. Didn't. Work.

Weird things about me...

I secretly (and now publicly) despise people who go to great colleges, don't work, and seem to still live a lavish lifestyle full of shopping, bars and restaurants, parties, clubs, and vacations. For those of you who fall into this category, don't take this the wrong way, I am just admitting my jealously.

I count things.  Telephones polls to be exact.  When I am driving.  I do it in a weird way, too.  I'm too embarrassed to say how.  But now you know.

I rewrite all my notes.  I can't stand when I write sloppy!  But really, I think it's more of an OCD type of thing.  In high school I would spend most of my time rewriting my notes from the day, and after I was done, I would have no time to do homework.  True story!  And probably why I struggled with a lot of my note taking classes.

I have a huge fear of getting head lice.  Hints, why the girl in front of me flinging her hair around upset me.  Plus, "I don't want your hair on my coffee cup, lady!"  Shhhhhez!  This is also why I don't care to ride Bart and why I can't sit still in a movie theater.  Ick!

I write, or blog, in my head...All day.  It's strange.  And sometimes (in my head) I talk about myself in the third person.  "As Mariann was walking..."  Sometimes I write a pretty good novel about myself.  Oh, and others!  Don't think you are off the hook.  I wish other people (my friends) would talk in the thrid person with me.  It's really fun!

I have an obsession with old people.  Mostly old men.  I don't know what it is.  I think that it is the fact that they have lived so much life and have so many great experiences and stories.  Also, I wish I would have been born in another era and I think that has a lot to do with it.  I think in my next life I will come back as an old man.  That's right, just skip all the early stuff and get straight down to the oldness.  I would play golf and smoke cigars all day.  Kind of strange, but come to think about it, I think that is a mix of my two grandpas put together.  One of my grandpas played lots of golf and the other always had a cigar in his mouth. If that is not the Oedipus Complex, I don't know what is.  Straaaaange!

As I go about my day, again, in my head, I think of my life as a movie or a book.  I think of what song would go best with what I am doing at the time.  If I am sad, it is obviously a slow song.. most likely Mufford and Sons or Death Cab, if I am happy it is Vampire Weekend.  They have the happiest songs!  Sometimes I think I should have been one of those people that choose songs for scenes in movies.  I think I would be really good at that + it would be really fun!

Anyways, I am weird.  But I don't think I would have it any other way. 

Have a wacky, weird, and fun filled, 3rd person, kind of day!


  1. I love that you think that you are weird and I love that you are weird. Truthfully though...I count everything too. Telephone polls, lines on the road, cracks in the sidewalk etc. etc.

  2. This post made me laugh so much! I do most of these things too, especially thinking about myself in the third person. I WISH I was OCD enough to rewrite my notes though, I can never read a word of what I have written when it comes to study time. So maybe that's more of a useful habit than a weird one :p
