Thursday, January 31, 2013

what i've learned this week.

1.  If your car is on the verge of breaking down, it's not the smartest thing to drive it all the way to SF for school.  Chances are, you will be in line at the meters before getting on the bridge and your car will lose power.  After putting on your emergency lights and soaking up all the dirty looks, honks, and arm waving, you will get it started again to move forward 5ft for it to die once more.  This will probably happen 5 more times after that as well.  

2.  Think positively!  Not just sometimes, but all the time.  So, when you see that girl running down the freeway chasing a small dog, just tell yourself that they both made it out alive. What a brave, kind, big hearted soul she was!  Those who save animals... those are my kind of people!

3.  Have faith!  Things will always work out the way they are supposed to.  Money will come, great things will be accomplished, and finding your place will happen.  Just have a little faith.  

4.  Planning your wedding will be fun, eventful, and stress free!  It doesn't have to be a huge deal with lots of stress, panicking, and overwhelming feelings.  It is what you make it... and we want it to be a blast!

5.  Being insanely busy is okay.  You have done it before, you will continue to do it, and you will live through it.  Having a job, school, homework, and possibly a second or a third job sounds like a lot, but you will get through it and it will make you better. 

6.  Go with the flow.  Just smile and keep the peace in all things you do.  Things pass and change and if you are flexible, you will be able to change with them.

7.  Talking to strange people on the phone or in person will be hard and uncomfortable at first, but it will get easier and you will actually like it.  Keep moving forward and doing what needs to be done and it will all make sense soon.  Piece of cake!

8.  You can always count on the guys in your life.  When things fall apart, ( like your car) they will all come running to help you.  Always remember to return the favor! 

9.  Do what you love and something great will come of it!

10.  I'm really going to miss my fiance this summer, but I am trusting what he says when he tells me it will be okay and it will go by fast!  

1 comment:

  1. And....Breathe! :) you definitely have a lot going on! Enjoy the ride!
