Friday, June 24, 2011

Bike Rides

I have gone on a couple of bike rides lately.  It's so nice in the evening and riding out in the country by my house is so beautiful.  The first time I went with, Reynolds, also known as, the boyfriend.  He does goofy and cool stuff like ride his bike backwards.  I think he thinks it impresses me.  Which, lets be honest, it does.  Plus, it just really makes me laugh.  We went a little late this night, which only meant one thing, a mouth and ear full of bugs. 

We ended up here.  It was part of my master plan.  I just so happen to love cows but, what I saw while there, I wasn't really prepared for.  It's a tough life for a dairy cow.  

The next time I went I brought my friend, Renee!  We had a lot of fun girl talking it up, laughing, smelling cow poo, taking pictures, and jumping up and down.  

Can't wait to go again!


  1. Bike rides are amazing! I love the picture of the cows.... they are fead that way so they dont trample each other to get the food... so although it looks uncomfortable to you and I they are CALIFORNIA HAPPY COWS!!!

  2. Oh Mary, we saw a pile of dead baby cows. It was really sad.
