Wednesday, November 10, 2010


A couple of things...The new KOL (Kings of Leon) that you let me borrow last night=Awesomeness!   Your school picture that you gave me and I put in the dash of my car=Awesomeness!  Your crazy, funny, weird, loving children that read to me last night, made me laugh, and shot me in the butt with a Nerf gun=Awesomeness!  The fact that you and my nieces wrote down and memorized every single word of "Don't Stop Believing" (The Giants Version) and took turns with the girls singing it to me and mom last night=Awesomeness! Jumping up and down in the kitchen screaming "COLLEGE" with me when I opened my second acceptance letter, pretending that I didn't already get the e-mail=Awesomeness!  Your talks, sad, hard, but I know much needed and always welcomed= Awesomeness!  The fact that you're my sister=Awesomeness!  I Love you! My life wouldn't be the same without you!


  1. *Tears*.............thank you I love you too and agree, life just would not be the same without you. I really needed to hear that from you, it makes me feel really good!

  2. That's pure awesomeness how close you two are!!
    From you know who

  3. Bella that is so sweet I wish MariAnn and Jul's got along like that. hehhehehehehehhe

