Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The little things...

I have been in quite the funk lately.  Run down by emotions and held back by thoughts.  Life, has been great... but has also dealt me it's fair share of lemons.  And to be honest, I can't remember the last time I made the best out of them and had a shot of tequila.

  Anyways, I don't think that I need a good time, or a vacation....(I take that back, I could always use a vacation!) I don't think I need a drink or a party.  I don't think I need sleep or rest.  But what I do think I need are those little moments.  Those moments that you don't plan or expect.  The conversations with random or complete strangers that make you look at your life differently, the spilt second of a creative thought or idea, the time spent with friends being 100%, completely, ridiculously, yourself...goofy as all hell,  a funny picture that you can look back on and remember when, where, and just how much fun that day was, getting lost in a good book or a great blog that makes you realize that your life can be anything you want it to be, a good grade on a test or paper that you worked really hard on, listening to an older persons thoughts or experiences that  makes you really appreciate life, the fun times shared with family and those precious "I love you aunties" that stick with you the whole day, week, or even month, the random smell of something that brings you back to a place you haven't been... that can only be revisited through memory, random acts of niceness from complete strangers that reaffirm something that you were losing hope in...there are good people in the world, and then paying these acts forward and seeing that the next person looks at you the exact same way you just felt about the last, realizing that you are still pretty good at something even though you haven't done it for a while, planning a completely spontaneous dinner with friends or a random game of two hand touch, door bell ditching the house down the street just to feel the rush of childhood come back again, holding a brand new baby and having the strongest feelings of nothing but great things for a new life, deciding that you are going to make a positive change in your own life and following through with it, taking a really great picture and thinking, "I didn't know I had it in me!" being excited about beautiful wild flowers or a really spectacular farmers market, a great song (usually with the banjo), a great nights sleep where Allie felt like cuddling all night long, getting in the car and driving...without anywhere to go, etc.........

Just the little things... the things that uplift my mood and feelings in all the right ways.
I don't need anything spectacular.
Just a little more of those little things.
(And maybe a little more structure...but shhhhhhhhh!)


  1. Those little things are everywhere Mariann. When we choose to see them that is when they become "those little moments". I hope that you see them everyday because you deserve them more than anyone. I love you.

  2. Mariann,
    Forget everything else and become a writer you are so good at it!!! That was beautiful
    Thank you
